Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Dreams are real

Since I'm reciting the following poem tomorrow, I thought I might as well post it here. It's one of those things that pop out of my head when I get struck by mental lightning. Thanks to Gli Carpio for her valuable inputs on this poem :)

What does this have to do with building, you ask?

Much. Builders have to know how to dream.

Dreams are real


Did you not know that dreams are real?
If they tell of true happiness,
they're as real as a mother is
to a child who sleeps in her arms.
And so for food and love he yearns,
not at all certain how he could
but entirely sure that he would,
so sure that he solemnly sleeps.
The woman gazes as she weeps,
her eyes on the fruit of her love,
which none dare convince her out of,
despite the storms that line their way.
Oh! What a smile it is that lay
about those cheeks so satisfied:
in his dreams as though glorified
beyond what his frail hands could reach.
A smile that simply serves to teach
a hope that rests on love received—
the reason of what is believed—
dreaming a dream entirely real.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

A time management lesson: say no

I've collected many nuggets of wisdom from the marketing communications profession. One of them is this: that if you want to be something, you have to not be other things. And if you want to be everything, you'll end up as nothing.

So it is with the rest of life. It's pretty obvious that we don't have time for everything; all we need is a game of Plants vs. Zombies and we'd see several hours disappear into thin air (which is why I don't touch this game at all—no offense to the PvZ fanatics out there). We need to choose what we do. If we want to live a meaningful life, it also means that we have to pursue the most meaningful aims. Our top priorities need to dominate life lest we waste it entirely.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Hello, world!

Hello, world! Amazingly, this is the first post of a blog that started way back in 2006. Let's just say I went shopping for other options and found blogging paradise in Blogger (thanks to Google for such cool and simple tools!). Okay, I know, I'm really a Google fan, so this is just one more in a string of praises from an avid user.

As this is my first post, I might as well introduce myself a bit. I'm a marketing communications professional. I really love what I do. But one thing that sets me apart from my colleagues is that I love to build. I mean, really, I love it! I don't only "do" marcom, I build with it. But since building isn't really a one-track thing, I've had to dip my feet into technology, organization development, and other management disciplines. No house gets built on just one pillar. Yes, that makes life a bit harder for me, but it also makes work a much more fulfilling. I thrive on working on things that have lasting value.

And Lego? Yup, I love that too.